The average Enderianwing has very long legs, necks, and limbs due to their ancient culture that the lankier one was the more superior you were, this led to their crazy long extremities.
All Enderianwings are fast when running due to their long legs.
The average Enderianwing dragon can teleport a wings reach away, uncommon can teleport 2 wing spans away, and Legendary/Royals can teleport as far as they like as long as they can see where they're teleporting to. All Enderianwings have a blinding light that exudes from their mouths before they roar or spit void breath.There’s varying levels of void breath, Royals being able to disintegrate limbs with one breath and common end just cause void burns that lead to infection. The void breath makes living things disintegrate into pieces that look of ash. And if void wounds aren’t treated they infect the victim and in 1-2 days the victim disintegrates slowly until their limb that was injured is gone... or worse if it's not treated in 4-5 days. This breath is also extremely cold so it causes chills when one is infected.Dislikes / Vulnerabilities
Water, it causes serious irritation and in prolonged exposure they start to get burns. Humidity causes coughing, shortness of breath, as well as intense rashes. They also dislike speaking for a long time because it often makes them involuntarily roar (like an enderman). Because of that they have a rudementary sign language. Eye contact also causes them lots of anxiety and can make them involuntarily hit or attack whomever looks at them, if they trust whoever is making eye contact however, it’s completely fine.
Depends on each class, each has is explained in their given info doc.
They get their nutrition from the dark. They cannot eat they just literally have no digestive system. They recharge at night by sleeping and dark photosynthesis basically.
------WOF universe-----
They have no government when they're not on Endine, they wander the world in small groups (usually around 10) and once an Enderianwing comes of age and earns their glow tattoos they go off on their own. Also, there are still Enderianwings of Royal blood, In the WOF universe they used to have a kingdom but powerful Enderianwings from Endine were called to destroy it because it had a corrupt government.
Enderianwings favor those with mutations and believe they're blessed by the universe to be unique and different.
Nothing official but their usual beauty standard and symbols of power are those who have rare colors or mutations.
Glow Tattoos
Glow tattoos, these tattoos appear when an Enderianwing comes of age and has found their calling or passion. They can have as many as possible and it doesn’t matter what rarity the Enderianwing is. These tattoos represents ones passions, personalities, obsessions, etc! So you could have one that's a jack of all trades and is a fisherdragon as well as an artist! An Enderianwing can also get more tattooed on by a tattoo artist, in different shapes patterns etc! But they are not born with these patterns.
There’s also Enchanted Tattoos that can grant abilities, blessings, or curses that are in the Galactic Language.
Coming of Age Ceremonies
Moon Festival
Friends / alliances
In the Wof universe, they like Nightwings due to their similar dark appearances. I'd talk about all the class alliances here but it gets pretty complex, there will be an infographic eventually that will be located in the information docs. Or maybe right below here? We shall see!

Will be organized by class as well so everything is easier to navigate!


These are just here for referencing things said in the Traits Doc! DO NOT just go off of these for designing, the rarities are dated and don't match the individual classes rarities!!!
